美式住宅公寓裝修案例 聖菲奧斯汀

安居社 人氣:1.46W

沒有濃烈的色彩撞擊,只有深色色調的自我調和。沒有金屬感的時代表現,只有迴歸歷史的嫻靜和隱約的木頭清香味道。沒有現代人浮躁和浮誇的熱情,自有貴氣優雅的大家風範。沒有低矮壓抑的夢想空間,自有無限空間的自由串聯。沒有經歷歲月風吹雨打的洗禮,何來天生貴氣的非凡魅力?不是所有的品味都能道出一二,不是一種色彩就無法代表華貴,不是所有美式都叫美式,品味生活,源於對生活的熱愛。追逐隨性自由,敞開胸懷包容一切,任憑世間萬變,內心依然平靜,歲月無法抹平歷史,我們卻因此而更顯內涵,自由,從來都不是一種嚮往,而是現實中的一種實踐。There is no strong color impact, only a dark tone of self age shows the sense of metal, only to return to the historical demure and faint fragrance taste of modern people impetuous and exaggerated enthusiasm, its own elegant extravagance of great e is no room for the low, the freedom of the infinite experienced the baptism of years to expose to wind and rain, the extraordinary charm of natural extravagance?Not all can taste tells one or two, not a color can not be representative of luxury, not all American call American, the taste of life, from the love of life.

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