1600平現代中式新中式日式北歐古典簡約現代簡約別墅別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計

安居社 人氣:2.63W




風格: 現代中式新中式日式北歐古典簡約現代簡約


——劉鑫 2020、5.15

I have been keeping a distance from my comfort zone, and let myself stand in a higher dimension and a broader perspective to feel and understand everything in the world, as if they didn't say anything, but they seemed to say a lot,People always have to go through a lot of people and things, more wrinkles, more hangovers, pulling off a few white hair, just as if they have a bit of their own attitude towards this life

—— Liu Xin 2020, 5.13

· 戶型圖

1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計

· 客房

1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第2張


The room uses a large amount of natural wood skin in the treatment of wall surface, which makes the space more warm, flexible, full, and relaxing and joyful for the occupants, heart and spirit. The standard room and the big bed room are respectively used as the garden reception hall, which allows users to have relatively independent reception and rest space. The layou

1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第3張
1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第4張

The room uses a large amount of natural wood skin in the treatment of wall surface, which makes the space more warm, flexible, full, and relaxing and joyful for the occupants, heart and spirit. The standard room and the big bed room are respectively used as the garden reception hall, which allows users to have relatively independent reception and rest space. The layout of the

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· 餐廳

1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第12張


1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第13張

Chinese people seem to have high requirements for round table dinner, such as the order of growth and childhood, the distribution of seats, the etiquette of the main position and the guest. Round table, the main guest is facing the gate. The position of the left and right hand of the host and guest is viewed from the distance from the host and guest. The closer the position is, the more respected the position is, the left side is respected on the right side at the same distance. These etiquette rules need us to know more about Chinese wine table culture for our designers.

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1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第17張

The design of Chinese restaurant is unified with a tone and Oriental style. The design of new Chinese style background wall makes the people entering the restaurant know the order of the host and guest position at a glance. Many decorative paintings and Oriental elements fill the space with artistic visual impact.

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· 家庭影院

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1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第23張

The entertainment space is equipped with private cinema, KTV and bar space, which allows the occupants to have more experience space and relax entertainment space. The cinema uses a lot of linear light sources, which increases the level sense and ritual sense of space. KTV and bar area use cold and warm light source to add color contrast to the space, so that the warm atmosphere can reach the exciting point through visual stimulation.

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· 酒吧娛樂

1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第25張
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· 衛生間

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1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第30張
1600平別墅裝修案例 1600㎡南彩別墅園區設計 第31張